Die Auswirkungen, die wir speichern
Produktionsabfälle als Rohmaterial
Von der Windel bis zum Polstermöbel
Polypropylene is a material that is used for many different products. For example, for nappies and face masks. After production in the factory, the face masks and nappies find their way to the consumer. During production, however, many residual materials are also produced. These can be used as raw material for sustainable upholstery fabrics. With the same comfort, softness and durability as conventional fabrics.
Entdecken Sie den Prozess
Both fabrics from the Reproper collection have 100% recycled content. The fabrics have Global Recycled Standard certification. This certification offers you the guarantee that the fabrics really contain recycled materials. The fabrics acquire this (voluntary) certification every year. We promote the highest possible percentage of recycled content at all times.
Global Recycled Standard
Beide Stoffe aus der Reproper-Kollektion bestehen zu 100 % aus recyceltem Material. Die Stoffe sind mit dem Global Recycled Standard zertifiziert. Diese Zertifizierung bietet Ihnen die Garantie, dass die Stoffe wirklich recycelte Materialien enthalten. Die Stoffe erhalten diese (freiwillige) Zertifizierung jedes Jahr. Wir bemühen uns stets um einen möglichst hohen Anteil an recyceltem Material.